Saturday, May 16, 2015

P90X day 2

Hey everyone (or anyone who actually reads this)

Yesterday I started day 1 of P90X. I'm following the lean workout routine so I did Core Synergistics for day 1, and today I did Cardio X. They definitely are a challenge but I feel good after doing them, in a kind of numb-ish comatose way. Keegan asked me what my goal was going forward, so I'm going to post it here for some fake kind of internet accountability. My main goal is to keep pushing play. Keep putting the DVDs in and doing them every day for the 90 days. My mini goals are to be able to actually keep up with the people on the DVDs, all in due time though.
I did most of the fit test today (after day 2) you're supposed to do it before the program to 1, see if you can meet the bare minimum to do the test and 2, it gives you more of a before and after picture because you do the fit test when you're done to see how much you've improved.

Resting heart rate 60 bpm
Warm up for 10 minutes (I did cardio X)
Pull ups: 0--FAIL (need one for passing)
Vertical leap 11.25"--PASS (min 3 inches for pass)
Push ups 16--PASS (min 15 for pass)
Toe touch +.75"--PASS (min -6" for pass)
Wall squat 13 sec--FAIL (min 1 minute)
Bicep curel INCOMPLETE (min 10 reps with 8 lb weights)
In and outs 11--FAIL (min 25 for pass)
Heart Rate Maximizer: Preform jumping jacks nonstop for 2 minutes at a quick pace. During the final 30 seconds go as fast as you can to maximize heart rate. As soon as you finish, measure your heart rate, and then again for every minute after for four minutes. INCOMPLETE

I think I could have scored maybe a tad bit higher on some, but I was super sore (and so tired!) from the workouts I had already done. Oh well. This at least gives me a little snapshot.

belly button 44.25
hips 49.25
r thigh 29.75
l thigh 30.75
r calf 17.75
l calf 17.75
r bicep 15.25
l bicep 15.10

I challenge anyone who wants to: BRING IT! 

Friday, January 25, 2013


3 days ago I started my first day of TurboJam. This workout series rocks! I love it so much.
Day 1: 20 minute workout (that's the name of it) (20 min)
Day 2: Learn & Burn, 20 minute workout (35 min)
Day 3: Learn & Burn, 20 minute workout, and Turbo Sculpt. (1 hr 15 min)
I am loving these workouts. They are so upbeat and full of energy, I have a good time doing them. I'm still working on perfecting the moves so that maybe next week I can try a different DVD since the above listed workouts are all on the same DVD. I have 6-7 DVD's total and I look forward to them.

I feel sore all over today, and my stomach is especially tight since the way you do almost any work also works out your abdominals. I would recommend this to all of you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Went walking with Melinda today, in the heat of the day, to the pharmacy and the library. I was pretty out of breath and she had to slow down for me. But it gives me the desire to commit again.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Jen's week 4

Monday- nothing, I had an early doctors appointment
Tuesday- jog 3 miles
Wednesday- turbo jam
Thursday- jog 3 miles
Friday- jog 2.25 miles on treadmill

It was a good week!  I already have a start on week 5. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jen's week 3

I almost forgot to post for last week! 
Monday- jog 3 miles
Tuesday- pilates
Wednesday- jog 3 miles
Thursday- turbo jam
Friday- jog 3 miles. 

Hopefully I can keep going 4-5 days a week! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ellen's Efforts

Because my foot had been hurting, I decided to give up walking for a while and go with riding the exercise bike. I also started doing some weight lifting, roughly following the Body for Life program. So, on Monday three weeks ago I worked on upper body, on Wednesday I did lower body, and on Friday I did upper body again. Plus, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I rode the bike for 20 minutes each day. Then the second week I did lower body on Monday, upper body on Wednesday, and lower body on Friday. Repeat with the bike. Third week, same as the first. Now I've started the fourth week, and I need a little umph in me. Didn't ride the bike this morning, but Melinda encouraged me to go for a walk with her and Oceana. I was surprised at how out-of-breath and tired I was. I appreciate Melinda's encouragement! We walked to the post office and the library, so I guess we walked for over 20 minutes. Even though BFL says you only have to do aerobics for 20 minutes a day, I've recognized that I need to increase that time. And I still prefer walking over biking, so hopefully I can start doing that some more. In fact, Julie reminded me about the Freedom Festival's Fun Run on July 4, and I've entered the 1-mile event with her and Olivia. I'm excited to participate!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jen's week #2

I wanted to try to exercise 4 times this week, but only made it 3.  On Monday, I jogged 2 miles on the treadmill, on Tuesday i did pilates, and today I jogged for 2 miles on the treadmill.  Now, keep in mind that when i say jog, its a jog/walk.  I jog for a quarter if a mile, then walk for a quarter.  Hopefully ill be in more shape soon enough that when i say jogged for 2 miles, it will be the full 2 miles I jogged.  My friend got back from California last night, so i plan to exercise with her 4 days next week.  I hope I can get up on time!