Friday, January 25, 2013


3 days ago I started my first day of TurboJam. This workout series rocks! I love it so much.
Day 1: 20 minute workout (that's the name of it) (20 min)
Day 2: Learn & Burn, 20 minute workout (35 min)
Day 3: Learn & Burn, 20 minute workout, and Turbo Sculpt. (1 hr 15 min)
I am loving these workouts. They are so upbeat and full of energy, I have a good time doing them. I'm still working on perfecting the moves so that maybe next week I can try a different DVD since the above listed workouts are all on the same DVD. I have 6-7 DVD's total and I look forward to them.

I feel sore all over today, and my stomach is especially tight since the way you do almost any work also works out your abdominals. I would recommend this to all of you.


Ellen said...

Woot! Woot! Go, Melinda!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! I think I have tried Turbo Jam before and it was fun. :)